In this unusual and important new work, Miroslav Vanek interviews twelve experts on oral history to discuss the medium’s current status within the social sciences in light of recent technology breakthroughs. Around the Globe addresses many of the challenges of oral history…
Це книга – про дніпровське село Тарасовичі, якого вже немає. Дніпро було його батьком, годувальником, перевізником. Дніпро стало його цвинтарем, щоправда, не з своєї волі, а по волі будівничих Київської ГЕС. Село можна знищити матеріально, але…
Call for Papers.
Special issue of the Oral History Review: “Listening to and for LGBTQ Lives”.
Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2014.
Publication date: Winter/Spring 2016.
Guest Editor: Stephanie Gilmore, PhD
Power and Democracy: the many voices of Oral History. XVIII International Oral History Association Conference, Spain, Barcelona, 9-12 July 2014. Interviews with advocates of change have supplemented and supplanted archives of discredited regimes. Oral histories have documented social and political upheavals, reform movements and reactions….