Call for articles “Word and Silences”, official journal of the International Oral History Association


Call for articles “Word and Silences”

Words and Silences is the official journal of the International Oral History Association. It is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on oral history methodology, as well as research that is based on oral history interviewing. It is an online journal.

For the past two years Words and Silences was offline because of technical problems. However, the website has been restored and two new editors have been appointed from the Executive of IOHA. They are David Beorlegui of Spain ( and Christina Landman of South Africa (

Words and Silences hereby invites you to submit an article manuscript for peer-reviewing and publication in the next issue of W&S which will Number 1 of Volume 7.

Articles are accepted that

Please submit your manuscript online on the website of Words and Silences ( or (

David Beorlegui and Christina Landman (editors)