The Ukrainian Oral History Association invites scholars and professionals in the field of oral history to become members and engage in our activities. We look forward to receiving your applications and collaborating with you.
The Ukrainian Oral History Association is organizing its first international scientific conference since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, titled “Oral History in Wartime: Academic Knowledge and the Researcher’s Responsibility.” The conference will be held from June 13-15, 2024, in Uzhhorod, Ukraine. We invite you to submit your applications and join us for this important event!
Co-chair of the Ukrainian Oral History Association, Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, who was an invited scholar at the University of Regensburg, shared her reflections on documenting testimonies of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the state of oral history in general.
In November 2023, the annual conference of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies took place, with members of the Ukrainian Oral History Association participating.
The Ukrainian Oral History Association continues its series of online seminars “Field, Risks, War”. We invite you to join the conversation with Hanna Zaremba-Kosovych about the peculiarities of researching the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities.
On November 29, 2023, at 18:00, the documentary oral history series “About Kharkiv and About Myself: Experiences and Fates of the Great City in the Oral Histories of Its Residents”, by Gelinada Grinchenko, will be screened at a cinema in Münster, Germany. This film explores the daily lives of Kharkiv residents during the Nazi occupation of 1941-1943. Admission is free, and we invite you to join us for this special screening!
Co-chair of the Ukrainian Oral History Association, Dr. Gelinada Grinchenko, in an interview with the ArmyInform news agency, discussed what oral history is as an academic field and how it differs from the collection of testimonies of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the form of interviews.
The Ukrainian Oral History Association is launching the online seminar series “Field. Risks. War.” We invite you to the first seminar, which focuses on the unique ethical challenges faced by oral history researchers documenting war. Join us for a difficult but necessary conversation with Svitlana Makhovska on October 25 at 7:00 PM.
Due to the Russia’s war against Ukraine, new challenges have emerged for the academic community both in Ukraine and globally. These challenges require specialists in the social sciences to remain actively engaged and mobilize all available resources. In response to the growing need for professional documenting of the war testimonies, the expanding research field, and the urgent necessity for processing and preserving war testimonies, the Ukrainian Oral History Association announces a restructuring and reorganization of its activities.
A collection of articles of the UOHA members “Listening, Hearing, Understanding: An Oral History of Ukraine in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries” (Kyiv, 2021) has been published.
The collection of academic works features research by Ukrainian and international scholars analyzing various aspects of women’s experiences during World War II in Central and Eastern Europe.
The collection features stories of internally displaced persons, based on interviews with residents of Vilcha, Vovchansk district, Kharkiv region. The interviews were gathered as part of the Ukrainian-German project “Vilcha – a Displaced Village.”
EN Центр усної історії є науковим підрозділом Ізмаїльського державного гуманітарного університету. Його призначення полягає у здійсненні науково-дослідницької, освітньої, інформаційної та координаційної діяльності.
EN Асоціації усної історії – Європа
An Oral History Bibliography. A Research Guide by the Columbia University Center for Oral History This comprehensive oral history bibliography was developed for the public’s use by the Columbia University Center for Oral History in 2009 by Project Coordinator Elizabeth Grefrath. Research Assistants Kaley Bell and Jared Rosenfeld generously assisted on this project. Bibliographic citations were developed through a process of cataloguing office-housed articles.