An Oral History Bibliography. A Research Guide by the Columbia University Center for Oral History


EN Table of Contents

I. Manuals and Practical Guides
II. Methodology and Theory
III. Fieldwork, Projects, Processing and Distribution
IV. Community Projects
V. Ethics and Responsibilities
VI. African-American Studies
VII. Anthropology and Folklore
VIII. Body Narratives
IX. Education
X. Human Rights and the Law
XI. Memory
XII. Narrative, Orality and History
XIII. Psychology and Trauma
XIV. Sociology
XV. Social History
XVI. Women Gender Studies
XVII. Journals
XVIII. Video and Audio Recordings
XIX. Selected Examples of Oral History-based Texts

This comprehensive oral history bibliography was developed for the public’s use by the Columbia University Center for Oral History in 2009 by Project Coordinator Elizabeth Grefrath. Research Assistants Kaley Bell and Jared Rosenfeld generously assisted on this project. Bibliographic citations were developed through a process of cataloguing office-housed articles.

The Columbia University Center for Oral History is one of the world’s leading centers for the practice and teaching of oral history. Our archive, located in the Columbia University Libraries and open to the public, holds more than 8,000 text and audio interviews on a wide variety of subjects. Our mission is to record unique life histories, documenting the central historical events and memories of our times, and to teach and do research across the disciplines.

Link to Bibliography:–%20A%20CCOH%20Publication.pdf